القائمة الرئيسية


الجملة The sentence

Vocabularies of the lesson:

Meaning in Arabic Words
الجملة Sentence
نتكلم Speak
نكتب Write
الكلمات Words
عامة Generally
نستعمل Use
مجموعة group
معنى تام، معنى واضح Complete sense
أنواع الجمل kinds of sentences
تصريح، بيان، إعلان Statement
توكيد، تأكيد، جزم Assertion
سؤال question
أمر Command
طلب Request
استعطاف، التماس Entreaty
إحساس قوي Strong feeling
إعلاني، تصريحي Declarative
استفهامس Interrogative
أمري Imperative
تعجبي Exclamatory


when we speak or write we use words in form of groups as :

  1. Razan loves teaching
  2. where are you from?
  3. what a hot day!
  4. sit down!
  5. We will go to school

This group of words which makes a complete sense, is called a sentence
Sentences are four kinds:
  1. A sentence that makes a statement or assertion, this kind is called declarative sentence
  2. A sentence which asks question, this kind is named interrogative sentence
  3. A sentence which express command, request, or entreaty, this kind is called an imperative sentence
  4. A sentence that express a strong feeling is named an exclamatory sentence


  • Declarative sentence
  1. My grandfather was a Marine
  2. The sky is blue
  • Interrogative sentence
  1. Where are you from?
  2. How are you today?
  • Imperative sentence
  1. Pass the remote control
  2. Move out of my way!
  3. get out!
  4. Have mercy upon us
  • Exclamatory sentence
  1. How gold the night was!
  2. Ugh! why are you yelling at me?
  3. Happy birthday Razan


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