Vocabularies of the lesson:
Meaning in Arabic | Words |
المبتدأ | Subject |
الخبر | predicate |
شيء | Thing |
قال | Say |
لذلك، لهذا السبب | Hence |
جزء، قسم | Part |
شخص | Person |
شيئا ما | Something |
عادة | usually |
يضع، يكتب | Put |
يأتي، يجيء | come |
من حين لآخر | Occasionally |
بعد | After |
جملة أمرية | Imerative sentence |
حذف | Omited |
مفهوم | Understood |
هنا | Here |
يشكر | thank |
يجلس | Sit |
ذاكرة | Memory |
قوس قزح | Rainbow |
قريبا | Soon |
يتلاشى | Faded away |
سيئ | Bad |
عادة | Habit |
تنمو | Grow |
بشكل غير مقصود، بلا وعي | Unconsciously |
اخترع | Invented |
جهاز لتسجل والاستماع للصوت 'فونوغراف' | Phonograph |
when we form a sentence
- We name some person or thing; and
- We say something about that person or thing
By way of explanation, every sentence must have two parts:
- The part in which we name a person or thing and this is called The subject
- The part which say something about that person or thing, and that is named The predicate
Examples:( subject/predicate)
- He has a good memory
- The beautiful rainbow soon faded away
- Bad habits grow unconsciously
- Edison invented the phonograph
The subject of a sentence usually comes first, but occasionally it is put after the Predicate
- Sit down. ( in this sentence the subject you is understood)
- Thank him ( in this sentence the subject you is understood too)
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