القائمة الرئيسية


Subject and Predicate المبتدأ والخبر

Vocabularies of the lesson:

Meaning in Arabic Words
المبتدأ Subject
الخبر predicate
شيء Thing
قال Say
لذلك، لهذا السبب Hence
جزء، قسم Part
شخص Person
شيئا ما Something
عادة usually
يضع، يكتب Put
يأتي، يجيء come
من حين لآخر Occasionally
بعد After
جملة أمرية Imerative sentence
حذف Omited
مفهوم Understood
هنا Here
يشكر thank
يجلس Sit
ذاكرة Memory
قوس قزح Rainbow
قريبا Soon
يتلاشى Faded away
سيئ Bad
عادة Habit
تنمو Grow
بشكل غير مقصود، بلا وعي Unconsciously
اخترع Invented
جهاز لتسجل والاستماع للصوت 'فونوغراف' Phonograph


when we form a sentence
  1. We name some person or thing; and
  2. We say something about that person or thing
By way of explanation, every sentence must have two parts:
  1. The part in which we name a person or thing and this is called The subject 
  2. The part which say something about that person or thing, and that is named The predicate

Examples:( subject/predicate)

  • He has a good memory 
  • The beautiful rainbow soon faded away
  • Bad habits grow unconsciously 
  • Edison invented the phonograph  
The subject of a sentence usually comes first, but occasionally it is put after  the Predicate 

NOTE : In Imperative sentences the subject is omitted


  • Sit down. ( in this sentence the subject you is understood)
  • Thank him ( in this sentence  the subject you is understood too)


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