القائمة الرئيسية


مصطلحات مواهب الشباب Vocabularies of gifts of youth

Unit 1 : Gifts of Youth 

Here are some vocabularies that are related to the theme of the unit
فيما يلي بعض المفردات المتعلقة بموضوع الوحدة

Childhood: the period of being a child مرحلة الطفولة
Youth: the period of a person's life between childhood and adulthood مرحلة الشباب
Adulthood: the period of being fully grown of mature مرحلة النضج
Generation gap: the differences of conflicts between young and elder people صراع الأجيال

Nouns Meaning in Arabic Adjectives Meaning in Arabic
Gift موهبة Gifted موهوب
Motivation تحفيز/حماس Motivated متحمس/متحفز
Talent موهبة Talentaed موهوب
Vitaity الحيوية Vital حيوي
Vivacity الحيوية Vivacious حيوي
Creativity إبتكار/إبداع Creative مبدع/مبتكر
Imagination خيال Imaginative ذو خيال واسع/ خيالي
Innovation إختراع Innovative مخترع
Passion شغف/حب/ولع Passionate مولوع/شغوف
Enthusiasm حماس Enthusiastic متحمس/حماسي
Skill مهارة Skilfull ماهر
Vigour قوة Vigorous قوي
Adventure مغامرة Adventurous مغامر
Courage شجاعة Courageaous شجاع
Ambition طموح Ambitious طموح
جرأة Audacious جريء


  1. Teachers should encourage students' creativity
  2. Today's youth are more adventurous than in the past
  3. Youth are usually interested in technological innovation
  4. Gifted youth are rewarded for their creativity
  5. He needs vigorous exercises to burn stomach fat

Adults traits and youth traits:

Some adults think youth are: Some youth think adults are:
Adjectives Meaning In Arabic Adjectives Meaning In Arabic
Rebelious متمرد Old-fashioned قديم الطراز
Strong-headed عنيد Mean بخيل
Careless طائش Undemocratic غير ديموقراطي
Immature غير ناضج Nosy فضولي
Thoughtless عديم التفكير Severe صارم/قاس
Untidy غير منتظم Bossy متسلط
Obstinate عنيد Intolerant غير متسامح
Adventurous مغامر Authoritarian ديكتاتوري/متسلط
Irresponsible غير مسؤول Sensitive حساس
Disobedient عاص/غير مطيع Silly سخيف/مضحك


  1. This is an audacious decision to develop for the the future of your project
  2. She has a lot of ambitious plans for the future of his company
  3. this young boy showed a lot of enthusiasm towards coding

         1. Tom is an (ambition) ……………………..actor who wants to become (fame) in                 short time.

2. If you want to be a writer, you need to be (creativity) …………………and (imagine)…………………. .

3. “Only candidates who have (art) …………………….talents are welcomed here,” the jury said.

4. Some young people are (con­fidence) …………………, and (independence) ………………...

5. He is a (gift) ………………….boy; he can speak more than eight foreign languages fluently


1. After the break, the workers resumed work with …………………………. ( vigour/ vigorous )

2. You need ……………………….. exercises to burn extra fat. ( vigour/ vigorous )

3. You need a lot of ………………….... to deal with such problems. (imagination/ imaginative )

4. This problem requires ……………………… solutions/ thinking. (imagination/ imaginative )

5. This is an …………………………….. story. (imaginary/ imaginative )

6. Ali is a great ………………………. artist . ( creativity/ creative )

7. Teachers should encourage students' ……………………. ( creativity/ creative )


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